Account Paused Due to Possible Bug - Request for Investigation and Restoration
lol lol
Hello Merlin AI Support Team,
I believe there may be a bug causing my account to be paused incorrectly. My account has been paused with the message: "Your account has been paused since you have exceeded fair usage limits for this month." However, my usage this month is significantly lower compared to last month, when I did not encounter any issues.
Additionally, my account was upgraded to a free Pro membership through the recent "Frozen" event, and the free period has not yet expired. Due to the account being paused, I am unable to continue completing the event tasks, which is causing significant inconvenience.
Could you please investigate whether this is a bug or an error in the usage tracking system? At the same time, I would like to request that my account be restored as soon as possible so I can continue completing the event tasks. Furthermore, I would appreciate a detailed breakdown of my usage and costs for this month to better understand the situation.
Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to your prompt response.