Add a research mode similar to you com Their implementation is highly effective, as their bot can process up to 200 links simultaneously and provide VERY relevant answers based on them. I switched to your service and really miss this feature, while your current live search works poorly.
  1. Ability to process a large number of links simultaneously (up to 200+ URLs)
  2. Deep content analysis from provided sources
  3. Creation of structured conclusions based on analyzed data
  4. Source ranking by relevance
  5. Research history saving capability
  6. Automatic source citation
  7. Results filtering by date, content type, and source reliability
  8. Research results export capability
  9. Integration with academic databases
  10. Improved live search system with more accurate results
  • Receiving more accurate and well-founded answers
  • Time savings on research
  • Access to quality analytics
  • Creation of comprehensive reviews from various sources
  • Improved search quality and result relevance