I won't call it 𝕏, sorry. :D
A very similar function to the entry of "Analyse Comments of a Youtube Video"
With the same technique you already use for the Doppelgainger function, it would also open a whole new world if we could analyse all the hundreds or thousands of replies below any posts on 𝕏. Both for the OP and for any user, though obviously in different aspects to be prompted.
It's also important to make a form for us for this function, to specify our custom prompt.
MY UNIVERSAL PROMPT (for a default one?)
Be my social media assistant. In the file, you will find all the comments under a social media post. <!!!!!!! Give some interpretation clues for the input file, for example recognising sub-conversations.> The primary guideline is to strive for perfect content fidelity and accurate citation of usernames.
Analyze the comments based on the following criteria:
  1. General tone: What is the overall sentiment of the comments towards the topic or the video?
  2. Summarize: Write a brief summary of the most positive and the most negative comments overall.
  3. Highlight: Select twenty comments that are worth my attention because they provide useful information or are interesting from the perspective of the topic.
  4. Make a summary of the funniest comments.
  5. Summarise what the video uploader can learn from the comments in terms of further content creation.