Longer Output mode for Claude 3.5 Sonnet
Dear Mr. Pratyush Rai
First I really want to thank you for your incredible ai app,
But there is a problem which is the short output from Claude 3.5 sonnet model , it would be so good if you could make a Claude 3.5 Sonnet(Longer Output) option like you did with GPT 4o(Longer Output) because it's really effective to the quality of usage that make people want to return to use the ai model
Ahmad Al Hakim
Hey team.
Just wanted to add that I think the tool is awesome, but we do need a longer output mode. I can only get about 845 lines of code at a time. However, I do notice that if I tell the model that it stopped at 845 it will produce the rest of the code.
Ahmad Al Hakim
Claude 3.7 has launched and this isn't in progress yet ☹️
i hope that we will get it with claude 3.7