under review
under review
Rohit Dutt
Merlin why this feature put on 'under review' from 'in progress' ?
I request all models of perplexity sonar
in progress
Source list, research tools -- WIP. However, not adding the Perplexity model.
I think it's that Perplexity mixes LLMs to the create the final output. So it feels like it's taken GPT, Claude, Mistral and mixed them to make one full answer.
Then it links to sources per-paragraph, as well as creating a Table of Contents.
It's just quite nice to use, as well as feeling like the "research" is relatively thorough, while linking you to pertinent sources for more.
I also like that you can save the research.
Vijay Chaudhari
most used tool by me, perplexity is the ultimate, please add it and no one beat Merlin
Ultimately, the most important thing is that the AI delivers good search results that help me and answer my question. I've often had that with Perplexitiy.
Markus: well said 🙌; we are also trying to move our efforts in that direction..
under review
What I really appreciate about Perplexity is that the sources are clearly visible, even with an extra small button and the link provided. I also find it very nice that there are additional links on the right side, complete with images, graphical representations of the website, and videos when available, which are also displayed there. I think Perplexity does this exceptionally well. It would be fantastic if Merlin could implement similar features.
Markus: got it & on it :}
They are offering the same set of models as part of their API integration which we already have available for you, specifically Llama, on our backend.
And we are working on enhancing our Access Web feature to provide a more comprehensive research experience in web browsers, complete with links.
It's a challenging decision for me to make given that we already offer these features. Could you please specify which tasks would be uniquely addressed by the 'Peplexity model'?
This would be useful.