[Thread] Feedback for the new home-screen UI!
Vijay Bharadwaj
Hi folks,
We just launched a new home-screen interface on getmerlin.in/chat.
Could y'all compile any bugs/issues/snags/suggestions here in this thread, whenever you find one?
Hope y'all like this update!
Hello! I have been using Merlin for a good while now, and have been here for the many updates you guys have. I think this new UI is pretty nice because of the simplicity.
However, I have some comments on the bots creation part. I’m a user who likes to create bots, so I’m able to chat to different characters, and I appreciate that we’re able to create bots with the last few new updates. But every time I create a bot, I have to go back to the old UI to edit the system prompt for it, since the new UI prompt doesn’t allow more than 2000 characters.
I think if you can guys can improve that, or make it work similar to how bot creation works in the old UI, where I can put more than 2000 characters in the system prompt, that will be great. That’s why I kept going back to the old UI to edit the bot and stuff ‘cause in a way it feels less restricting. But now that I don’t see anyway to get back to the old UI, I think this will affect the way I create bots, which has a lot of information on the way it behaves, its personality, and lore/backstory.
Another thing is something I was hoping to see in the mobile app. Things go well when I chat with a bot, but after I exit the chat, when I return to it, there’s no way for me to get back to chatting with that bot. I know this by the bot icon next to where you can type your response. After I exit the chat with that bot and try to get back to it, the bot icon will disappear and that indicates I can’t continue that specific chat with that bot anymore. At least on the website, I can use the @ to call on the bot and continue the chat where I left it, but in the app, I don’t think there’s a way. And this is a continuous issue I have noticed with the new updates of the Merlin app.
I apologize for this long feedback, but I really like Merlin and I’m excited anytime there’s a new update, but I hope you can improve the bot creation and chatting experience more! Thank you!
Vijay Bharadwaj
Soda: Thank you so much!
Vijay Bharadwaj
Soda: Hey, we're working on upgrading the limit on Bots on web right now. The mobile flow will take a little time due to bandwidth issues, but it will be there soon!