Train it to write in our own voice
in progress
This would be very easy to do with simple prompt engineering and uploading a doc with essays or emails that you already wrote
in progress
Dr. CK
This would be very helpful as opposed to continuously reminding the system what my style and tone are via copy/paste.
Jacopo Bertagnin
This would be more than essential for answering the emails, i cannot afford sending answers that don't look like they were written by me
under review
Gerry Are there any particular use cases you want to use it for? Emails, blogs or something else? Can you please elaborate? We are planning a design for this feature and your inputs can be helpful here.
Got it, Gerry. Are there any particular use cases you want to use it for? Emails, blogs or something else.
Dominik N.
Siddhartha To train the AI for my very own voice/writing style would help me as a Blog writer very much. I now different tools but all the AI does is do create a prompt to match my stile. Doesn't work very well. So maybe you have better ideas how to create it so the writer Style would be nearly the same.
Other Teams are using the Upload Function or giving an exact URL to save a special "Brand Voice" and use it as a drop down menue :)