Turning Folders into Projects
Vijay Bharadwaj
We're building the capability to add Merlin Chats to Projects. That's the first step.
We could possibly add the feature to add an entire folder to a Project -- sounds cool! Let's see if we can make it happen!
Vijay Bharadwaj That sound great already! I just realized that I'm already collecting certain chats in folders and was like "Why can't I just transform this folder into a project?". But adding individual chats into an existing project would already be a great feature in itself!
Thanks for the relentless effort you guys put into making Merlin better day by day ❤
Vijay Bharadwaj
C Y: Thanks for the uplifting words! The core functionality is still just getting Projects to parse and understand a Merlin Chat. Importing folders would just be a frontend/UX add-on :)