We’re testing a new idea: A dedicated space for multiple people in a single team to collaborate and work with AI to get things done more efficiently. loom video demo - https://www.loom.com/share/1f808f6a2ad74ea2a6db4f278a5c81d7?sid=459d91fc-8af9-4672-95a8-8bef81c3297e figma prototype - https://www.figma.com/proto/E66YRirKt6eu3Og372mIyK/Teams-Collab?page-id=262%3A8089&node-id=262-9504&viewport=370%2C1772%2C0.13&t=1ZhWZqRmMD4etzkS-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=262%3A9504&show-proto-sidebar=1 We need your honest feedback to make it better! Upvote or comment to share your initial thoughts, or let us know if you’d like to dive deeper in a call with us or just put in chat the responses to these questions. We want to reward our early users who handhold us to build this with a Yearly Team Collab Merlin for free: Would this feature help your team’s workflow? If yes, how? What would it enhance or replace in your current way of working? What types of tasks/ projects would you use this for? Any major concerns about adopting and integrating this into your workflow? __ Feature Overview: How can your team benefit from it? Customizable Team Workspaces & Roles Create focused spaces (e.g., “SEO Team”) and manage members with tailored roles (designer, developer), permissions, and seat allocations under “My Team”—all in one place. Real-Time Chat + Organized Insights Chat instantly for quick updates, tag teammates (@mention), and use +Project Knowledge to share files/links. Track live activity in the Activity Panel and split discussions (“forking”) to dive deep without clutter. Centralised Knowledge Hub Store all project files, notes, and links in a single searchable repository—no more hunting for updates.